Report on the 6th Grade Conference

The Southern California 6th graders gathered on the mountain last weekend, along with their parents and serving ones, to make a very important life decision before God concerning their salvation. Including the FTTA trainees, more than 220 attended this conference. Four girls and eleven boys went up from Anaheim with six parents and more than fifteen FTTA trainees. Joy and rejoicing filled every one of the five meetings, and the cabin times overflowed with singing and verse recitation.

Under a clear sky, with the faithful speaking by the serving brothers and some soul-searching on their own, the 6th graders heeded the “Where are you” calling from their Creator and listened attentively to the message of salvation. Praise the Lord for the wonderful sight of young ones praying individually with their serving ones to receive the Lord by confessing their sins! The Lord has surely answered His church’s prayer by giving them the gift of repentance.

Furthermore, a word of inoculation was given concerning the pernicious tide of this world, which lies in the hand of the evil one, so that they would know they are in a world ready for the judgment of God. Therefore, with much anticipation to participate in the upcoming baptism, they were glad to be saved from the world and the choking hand of Satan. As songs of rejoicing and shouts of hallelujahs subsided, the 6th graders rushed to the front, flocked to the microphones, and spoke on what they were touched by.

We were also amazed by how many of the verses they could recite. Some had memorized well over 100 verses, even though there were only 88 verses listed in the back of the outlines for memorization! May they keep up the exercise and hold God’s Word dear to their heart always!

Indeed, most of these young ones that went up to the mountain have been under the good care of their serving ones before the conference. We thank the Lord that He has done even more in this conference to solidify their believing heart, to sanctify them through the inoculating word, and to inspire them through a video of the European young people attending a conference in Poland and the price that some of them had to pay to get there for the love of Christ to take root and grow in them. Praise the Lord! (6th grade serving ones)