Announcements — Week of August 27, 2017

Meeting for Parents and Children’s Serving Ones
A meeting for parents, children’s serving ones, and saints who would like to serve with the children this coming term (starting September 3) will be held on Lord’s Day, August 27, at 1916 W. Ball Rd. immediately after the morning meeting of the church in Anaheim. Lunch and supervision for children of attending parents will be provided at 1900 W. Ball Rd. This fellowship is crucial for beginning a new term, and we ask that all saints from all districts in the above categories do their best to attend.

Working Saints Conference
There will be a working saints conference Septem­ber 22-24. The first meeting will be in Anaheim on Friday (9/22); the remaining meetings will be in Oak Glen on Saturday and Lord’s Day (9/23-24). Please make a note of these dates on your calendar. You can register online at

To return a paper form or ask questions, contact:
District 1:  Vision Lee
District 1:  Felix Ramirez
District 2:  Samuel Wu
District 3:  Young Kim
District 4:  J. K.
District 5:  Joe Prim

Radio Broadcast on KKLA
The church in Anaheim, along with other churches in Southern California, sponsors the Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee radio broadcast on KKLA 99.5 FM, Lord’s Days from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm followed by a live call-in program from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Thanksgiving Conference
The International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, from Thursday, November 23, through Lord’s Day, November 26.